Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Committee Week Meeting Closes, NFRC Blog Remains Open

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) wrapped up its Committee Week Meeting with this morning's open Board of Directors meeting, but you don't have to wait until this summer to share your thoughts and ideas with your fellow members.

As noted earlier in the week, this blog is your blog. It is the ideal place for you keep up on the issues, learn what others are thinking, and brainstorm new ideas.

Attachments Label -- A Prominent, Ongoing Issue

The topic that figured most prominently during this week's discussions was the development of an attachments rating label that is clear and meaningful for consumers. This topic triggered a spirited yet professional discussion on Tuesday afternoon and again Wednesday morning.

Members of NFRC's BOD explained that the organization is not calling on manufacturers to use any particular methodology (such as icons) in creating a label. Instead, it is merely seeking a meaningful alternative to the use of U-factor and SHGC ratings.

The overarching goal here is for any labeling methodology to assist consumers in making the best decisions for themselves.

The meeting may be over, but this issue remains, and you can discuss it here.

What Do You Think?

On Tuesday, Potomac Communications Group presented research indicating that consumers want to know where a product falls on a scale.

Do you agree? Why or why not?

What kind of scale would you create to assist consumers in making the best choices for themselves?

Is there an alternative to providing consumers with a scale? If so, what would you recommend?

What is the best way to pursue the development of the attachments label?

Is more research needed?

NFRC's Hanlon Calls on Participating Manufacturers to Get Involved in BVP

During this morning’s open Board of Directors meeting, NFRC’s Program Director, Scott Hanlon, discussed the key to making the Blind Verification Program (BVP) successful.

Hanlon told the membership that NFRC's staff will be distributing a survey to all participating manufacturers and emphasized that the results can provide valuable insight for the direction, operations, and ultimately the success of the BVP.

“We need to hear from you," Hanlon said. "This program can only work if you provide us with your feedback.”

The target date for implementing the BVP is January 2013.

What Do you Think?

Do you see getting involved as the key to success for the BVP?

Do you think the BVP is good for consumers? Why or why not?

How might participating in the BVP influence the way you conduct business?