NFRC Chair, Steve Strawn, discussed the importance of the organization’s strategic objectives during this morning’s open board meeting.
One of those objectives is to improve and simplify NFRC's certification and labeling process to better serve the public interest.
Strawn said accomplishing this helps NFRC realize its mission and reinforces its reputation as the authoritative source for fenestration energy ratings and performance information.
Strawn discussed a total of 10 objectives, pointing out to the audience that some of them are new.
View Steve Strawn's Presentation Here.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Committee Week Meeting Wrap-Up: Ratings
Chair, Steve Johnson, reported to the board and had six motions approved.
NFRC 700 Subcommittee:
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 FMC Requestor Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 FMC Requestor Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Modification from 712 Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Modifications from 712 Ballot with editorial changes for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Challenge Procedure Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication pending legal review.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Challenge Procedure Ballot with editorial changes for approval with implementation upon publication pending legal review. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Temporary Label Description Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Temporary Label Description Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Translucent Panel Samples Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication and then hold until the technical procedure documents are approved for publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Translucent Panel Samples Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 TDD/HTDD: Test Only and VT Rating Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 TDD/HTDD: Test Only and VT Rating Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Information: M. Nau of PGT Industries offered to assume the role as vice-chair of the NFRC 700 Certification Subcommittee.
NFRC 712 Subcommittee:
Information: NFRC 712 Certification Subcommittee did not meet and does not intend to meet until such time that there is action and volunteers to lead the subcommittee.
NFRC 700 Subcommittee:
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 FMC Requestor Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 FMC Requestor Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Modification from 712 Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Modifications from 712 Ballot with editorial changes for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Challenge Procedure Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication pending legal review.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Challenge Procedure Ballot with editorial changes for approval with implementation upon publication pending legal review. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Temporary Label Description Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Temporary Label Description Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 Translucent Panel Samples Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication and then hold until the technical procedure documents are approved for publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 Translucent Panel Samples Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 700 TDD/HTDD: Test Only and VT Rating Ballot as edited for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward to the Board the NFRC 700 TDD/HTDD: Test Only and VT Rating Ballot for approval and implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Information: M. Nau of PGT Industries offered to assume the role as vice-chair of the NFRC 700 Certification Subcommittee.
NFRC 712 Subcommittee:
Information: NFRC 712 Certification Subcommittee did not meet and does not intend to meet until such time that there is action and volunteers to lead the subcommittee.
Committee Week Meeting Wrap-Up: Technical
Technical Committee
Chair, Jeff Baker, reported to the board and had three motions approved.
Attachment Subcommittee:
Information: Committee is continuing to look for a Subcommittee chair. D. De Block has agreed to continue as the vice-chair.
Software Subcommittee:
Information: C. Best has volunteered to chair the subcommittee and J. Krahn has agreed to continue as the vice-chair.
Solar Heat Gain Subcommittee:
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 202 ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward the NFRC 202 ballot with approved editorial changes to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 203 ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward the NFRC 203 ballot with approved editorial changes to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the combined editorial changes from the NFRC 200 Translucent Panel ballot and NFRC 200 TDD ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move to forward the combined editorial changes from the NFRC 200 Translucent Panel ballot and NFRC 200 TDD ballot to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Technical Committee:
Information: J. Lewis of Simonton agreed to assume role as vice-chair for the Technical Committee.
Chair, Jeff Baker, reported to the board and had three motions approved.
Attachment Subcommittee:
Information: Committee is continuing to look for a Subcommittee chair. D. De Block has agreed to continue as the vice-chair.
Software Subcommittee:
Information: C. Best has volunteered to chair the subcommittee and J. Krahn has agreed to continue as the vice-chair.
Solar Heat Gain Subcommittee:
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 202 ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward the NFRC 202 ballot with approved editorial changes to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the NFRC 203 ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move forward the NFRC 203 ballot with approved editorial changes to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Motion: Move forward the combined editorial changes from the NFRC 200 Translucent Panel ballot and NFRC 200 TDD ballot for approval and implementation upon publication.
Committee Motion: Move to forward the combined editorial changes from the NFRC 200 Translucent Panel ballot and NFRC 200 TDD ballot to the Board for implementation upon publication. Passed by UVV.
Board approved unanimously.
Technical Committee:
Information: J. Lewis of Simonton agreed to assume role as vice-chair for the Technical Committee.
Committee Week Meeting Wrap-Up: Research and Technology
Research and Technology Committee
Chair, Dave De Block, reported to the board and had two motions approved during this morning's open Board of Directors meeting.
Research Subcommittee:
Action: Request a motion to make the Window 6-Therm 6 Validation Research Project final report due by the NFRC Fall 2012 Membership meeting.
Action: Request a motion to make the Window 6-Therm 6 Validation Research Project final report due by the NFRC Fall 2012 Membership meeting.
Board approved unanimously.
Discussion: The Complex VT Rating Research Project received one bid form University of California-Davis (UCD). UCD is negotiating with the NFRC on the intellectual property (IP) rights for the development of the project. The Research and Technology Committee requests the Board provide guidance on ownership of the IP developed for the project and the requirement that NFRC take ownership of any device created under the research.
Information: The CMA Improved Algorithm Research Project is progressing well with expected completion by the Fall 2012 Membership meeting.
Thermophysical Properties
of Materials Subcommittee
Action: Request a motion for the approval of the NFRC 101 ballot and implementation upon publication. NFRC 103 will be terminated (the new NFRC 101 document now includes NFRC 103 procedures)
Board approved unanimously.
Optical Properties Subcommittee:
Information: LBNL reported progress on the Glazing Interlaboratory Comparison and expects to complete the full report by the Fall 2012 Membership meeting. LBNL also reported good progress on the Complex Glazing Interlaboratory Comparison with more testing data due prior to completion.
Information: The NFRC 302 TG expects to develop an NFRC 302 ballot for the Fall 2012 Membership meeting. Information from the Glazing ILC will be considered during ballot development.
Hanlon Sees Harmonization Between IVP, CPD
Hanlon praised the IVP, saying it ultimately protects and preserves the integrity of NFRC’s programs and ratings while fulfilling the organization’s commitment to the serve the public.
One way the IVP serves the public is by making it easy to determine which products have undergone testing.
“Consumers will see some harmonization between the IVP and our certified products directory,” Hanlon said. “Products will be flagged, clearly indicating they were selected.”
NFRC will administer the entire IVP program, which will be fully implemented in January 2013.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Ratings Committee Passes Six Ballots, Concludes Week's Proceedings
Johnson leads Ratings Committee Session |
Under the guidance of Steve Johnson (Andersen),
the Ratings Committee just completed their work for the day, passing six
ballots and sending one back to task group.
NFRC 700 Challenge Procedure Ballot
Passed unanimously
The purpose of this ballot was to add language establishing a challenge and appeals procedure for the new NFRC 714 Challenge Procedure Document.
This document allows any entity to challenge a Thermophysical component property or spectral data component used for certification ratings of NFRC rated products.
This document allows any entity to challenge a Thermophysical component property or spectral data component used for certification ratings of NFRC rated products.
NFRC 700 FMC Requestor Ballot
Passed unanimously.
This ballot set forth that the “allowed requestor” of a Fenestration Manufacturer Certificate (FMC) may be any entity with or without an NFRC License Agreement. The ballot stated that the term “Responsible Party” as currently used in the 700 document did not properly represent the intent of the language.
NFRC 700 Modification to a Product Line Ballot
Returned to task group
This ballot proposed revising the language referring to a “waiver.” The ballot stated it was unclear in the document as to how or when a waiver was to be used. At one time, it was determined that the program was not intended to have waivers issued for NFRC-certified products without proper documentation.
The language was therefore changed to omit the specific use of the term “waiver,” and procedures were put in place for manufacturers to follow when modifying NFRC-certified product lines.
The language was therefore changed to omit the specific use of the term “waiver,” and procedures were put in place for manufacturers to follow when modifying NFRC-certified product lines.
Opponents to this ballot asserted that its passage could interfere with policies already in place.
NFRC Modifications from 712 Ballot
Passed unanimously
This ballot sought to modify the PCP document to include reference to all NFRC Label Certificates. It also sought to adjust the formatting requirements for reports and to include reference to all NFRC label certificates. Additionally, the ballot called for having the word “and” inserted in a flow chart to accurately reflect that the IA will receive simulation and test reports from the designated laboratory.
NFRC 700 Translucent Panel Samples Ballot
Passed unanimously
This ballot was presented on behalf of the Translucent Panel VT Task Group to add language for setting the requirements of samples submitted for translucent panel ratings.
NFRC 700 TDD-HTDD: Test Only and VT Rating Ballot
Passed unanimously
This ballot addressed revising language referring to TDD/HTDDs for two purposes:
- Effective March 20, 2012, all ratings for TDD/HTDD products achieved only by computer simulation shall become invalid, regardless of the date of simulation. At that time, only those values achieved by physical testing may be used for certification and labeling purposes.
- The TDD VT Task Group will bring forth a new NFRC procedural document (NFRC 203 for TDDs to acquire a VT rating. Upon publication and implementation of the NFRC 203, manufacturers will be able to label and market TDD/HTDDs with a NFRC VT rating.
NFRC 700 Temporary Label Description Ballot
Passed unanimously
This ballot addressed revising the PCP to modify and add language allowing the name of a reseller, distributor, or other entity in the description Product Informational section on a temporary label.
Best Reports Improvements Coming to CMA, Faster CMAST Speed
Kumar oversees CMA Technical Subcommittee |
Included in her list and open for consideration by the membership is a simplified method for creating curtainwalls and the inclusion of a condensation resistance rating.
Best also reported that the CMAST calculation speed has been improved by modifying the software.
“Since its implementation, the speed is greatly enhanced," Best concluded. “We’re confident this is improving the users’ experience.”
No Language Change for NFRC 500
Vilhauer Leads Discussion |
The W6/T6 Approval Task Group proposed a revision in language that concerns the procedure enabling a condensation resistance rating for windows, fully glazed doors, curtain wall systems, site-built products, sloped glazing systems, skylights, dynamic glazing Products, and other fenestration products.
At issue was a paragraphs that reads,
"Dynamic Glazing Products that utilize a shading system between glazing layers can only be rated for Condensation Resistance by using the test method specified in Section 5."
The ballot called for the removal of the words, “between glazing layers.”
One objection to the ballot came from the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). The organization does not support the inclusion of attachment products that can't be rated independently and can be easily removed from the product being rated. Instead, AAMA views glazing panels or between the glass accessories as a whole product.
Following some discussion, the members voted not to change the document.
Members, Guests Network Following Full Day of Meetings
NFRC members and guests found time to network last night, following the first full day of proceedings at the spring committee week meeting in Austin, Texas.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Selkowitz Honors Arasteh as "Mentor" to All
Arasteh, one of the experts who was pivotal in creating NFRC, passed away on February 3, 2012 after battling cancer.
An esteemed contributor to the rating methods NFRC still uses today, Arasteh, worked as a researcher and scientist alongside Selkowitz at LBNL. Arasteh was involved in many aspects of the organization’s work on energy efficient windows, including the development of highly-insulating “superwindows.”
Arasteh also served as a lifelong advocate for fair, accurate, and credible ratings for the thermal performance of windows and enjoyed studying the role of windows in net-zero homes.
Selkowitz referred to Arasteh as a colleague, friend, and mentor not only to new staff at LBNL but everyone who had the pleasure of working with him.
LBNL's Tribute to Dariush Arasteh
W6/T6 Completion Date Extended to Fall 2012
A motion proposing
that the completion date for the W6/T6 Validation Research Project be extended
until the fall 2012 membership meeting passed, 28-0.
While the research is complete, the project
report is still being finalized.
Following the 2012 membership meeting, the contractor will transfer to NFRC all data, materials, and works related to the project.
Following the 2012 membership meeting, the contractor will transfer to NFRC all data, materials, and works related to the project.
"Ambassadors” Help Newcomers Navigate First Meeting
First-time meeting attendees met their NFRC ambassadors this morning.
The new program, implemented by NFRC’s Membership Manager, Anita Marsh, was implemented to reduce the learning curve for new meeting attendees.
Marsh says her research indicates newcomers typically attend three meetings before they become acclimated. The
program is designed to create a cohort group that moves through meetings
together, enabling them to enjoy a sense of camaraderie and to get them involved in the proceedings sooner rather than later.
According to Marsh, one of the most valuable aspects of the ambassador program is that it gives newcomers a personal resource they
can turn to so they can get answers to their questions quickly and easily.
In Marsh's view, creating an atmosphere of success for first-time attendees is essential to getting talented new people involved and keeping them involved.
In Marsh's view, creating an atmosphere of success for first-time attendees is essential to getting talented new people involved and keeping them involved.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Final Countdown: Spring Committee Week Meeting Starts Tomorrow
Greetings from Austin, the capitol of Texas.
These include the Optical Properties Subcommittee, the Research Subcommittee, and the Thermophysical Properties Subcommittee.
Be sure to check back throughout the meeting. NFRC News Now will deliver insight on all the proceedings as they unfold.
As always, we welcome your thoughts on all things NFRC. Post your comments here and start your own conversation.
The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) will open its spring committee week meeting tomorrow, Monday, March 26 at 8:00 a.m. at the Omni Hotel.
The event begins with opening remarks by NFRC Chair, Steve Strawn. Afterwards, the Research & Technology Committee block gets underway with three subcommittees convening.
These include the Optical Properties Subcommittee, the Research Subcommittee, and the Thermophysical Properties Subcommittee.
During the afternoon session, the Research & Technology Committee block will continue until the Technical Committee block beings at 2:30 p.m.
Subcommittees convening under the Technical Committee block include the U-factor Subcommittee, the Solar Heat Gain Subcommittee, and the Annual Energy Performance Committee.
Following the day's meetings, attendees are welcome to attend a networking reception.
As always, we welcome your thoughts on all things NFRC. Post your comments here and start your own conversation.
Monday, March 19, 2012
NFRC Meeting in Austin Next Week, Still Time to Register
The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) will hold its Committee Week Meeting in Austin, Texas March 26-28 at the Omni Austin Hotel - Downtown.
Registration is required and is still available. Guests and single day attendance is also available. Contact Cheryl Gendron, NFRC's meeting manager, for further information.
Full Meeting Details
Registration is required and is still available. Guests and single day attendance is also available. Contact Cheryl Gendron, NFRC's meeting manager, for further information.
Full Meeting Details
Sunday, March 18, 2012
CEC Releases Draft Language of Building Energy Code Update for Public Comment
According to the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP), the California
Energy Commission (CEC) has prepared draft language for its update to the state
building energy code.
The draft represents a 30 percent energy savings over the current 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES).
On February 24, the draft was made available for
a 45-day public comment period. Public hearings in Sacramento are slated for March
12, 13, and 15 as needed. The full CEC adoption hearing is scheduled for April
11. The draft represents a 30 percent energy savings over the current 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES).
The targeted date for final adoption is October 2012 with the standards becoming effective on January 1, 2014.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
IVP Documents Available, NFRC Seeks Input from Participants
In order to meet the requirements as a recognized EPA Certification Body (CB), the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is introducing the Independent Verification Program (IVP) as an enhancement to the NFRC 700 Product Certification Program (PCP).
The IVP will verify ENERGY STAR® qualified and NFRC rated fenestration products sold in the market are consistent with the products listed in the NFRC Certified Products Directory (CPD) with procedures that complement the inspection and validation testing requirements of the NFRC PCP. All NFRC participants are required to participate in the IVP, whether or not the participant is an ENERGY STAR partner.
NFRC has been working for close to 2 years to create the NFRC 713 program document that will administer the IVP. NFRC has also been taking many steps to ensure the IVP is an enhancement to the NFRC PCP. Since late 2011the IVP pilot program has been underway allowing NFRC to evaluate the IVP processes. In order to provide the funding for the IVP, the NFRC Board of Directors approved major changes to NFRC program fees and membership dues schedule. The 2012 fee schedule uses a flat dues structure for membership and a sliding scale for program participation fees creating a more fair and equitable system for NFRC participants.
Once approved by the NFRC Board of Directors, the NFRC 713 IVP program document is scheduled for implementation in January 2013. NFRC anticipates that the enhancements to the IVP will allow NFRC to remove the requirement to validate products lines when recertified. This will decrease costs for program participants by reducing recertification expenses.
NFRC participants are encouraged to download the following documents for review from the IVP web page:
- IVP Program Document NFRC 713 (DRAFT)
- IVP Compliance Flowchart
- IVP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The NFRC is requesting participants to provide comments on the program documents by forwarding all correspondence to NFRC staff at NFRC will present a summary of the comments and answer questions about the IVP at an open forum during the March committee week meeting. The forum is scheduled for Wednesday morning prior to the NFRC Board of Directors meeting.
The IVP will verify ENERGY STAR® qualified and NFRC rated fenestration products sold in the market are consistent with the products listed in the NFRC Certified Products Directory (CPD) with procedures that complement the inspection and validation testing requirements of the NFRC PCP. All NFRC participants are required to participate in the IVP, whether or not the participant is an ENERGY STAR partner.
NFRC has been working for close to 2 years to create the NFRC 713 program document that will administer the IVP. NFRC has also been taking many steps to ensure the IVP is an enhancement to the NFRC PCP. Since late 2011the IVP pilot program has been underway allowing NFRC to evaluate the IVP processes. In order to provide the funding for the IVP, the NFRC Board of Directors approved major changes to NFRC program fees and membership dues schedule. The 2012 fee schedule uses a flat dues structure for membership and a sliding scale for program participation fees creating a more fair and equitable system for NFRC participants.
Once approved by the NFRC Board of Directors, the NFRC 713 IVP program document is scheduled for implementation in January 2013. NFRC anticipates that the enhancements to the IVP will allow NFRC to remove the requirement to validate products lines when recertified. This will decrease costs for program participants by reducing recertification expenses.
NFRC participants are encouraged to download the following documents for review from the IVP web page:
- IVP Program Document NFRC 713 (DRAFT)
- IVP Compliance Flowchart
- IVP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The NFRC is requesting participants to provide comments on the program documents by forwarding all correspondence to NFRC staff at NFRC will present a summary of the comments and answer questions about the IVP at an open forum during the March committee week meeting. The forum is scheduled for Wednesday morning prior to the NFRC Board of Directors meeting.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tax Credit for Homeowners May Help Offset Cost of Windows
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
offers a tax credit for certain qualified home energy improvements implemented
during 2011.
One of these tax credits is known as
The Non-business Energy Property
Credit. Qualifying improvements include energy-efficient exterior
windows and doors. Installation costs do not qualify.
The 2011 credit for homeowners is 10
percent of the cost of qualified energy-efficient improvements, up to $500.
Qualifying improvements must have been placed into service in the taxpayer’s principal residence located in the United States before Jan. 1, 2012.
Qualifying improvements must have been placed into service in the taxpayer’s principal residence located in the United States before Jan. 1, 2012.
Those applying for this credit should have the manufacturer’s tax credit certification statement. This may be available on the manufacturer’s website, or it may have been included in the product packaging.
If you’re eligible, you can claim this credit on Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits when you file your 2011 federal income tax return. This form is available at
Please note that this is a tax credit, not a deduction, so it will generally reduce the amount of tax owed dollar for dollar.
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