Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Simonton's Jenkins Dedicated to Expediting Improvements to NFRC Programs

Tina Jenkins says sharing knowledge creates succsss
Tina Jenkins, a fenestration industry veteran who has spent 21 years with Simonton Windows, attended her first NFRC meeting 10 years ago, and she has been involved with the organization ever since.

Starting out as an attendee interested in learning more about NFRC’s activities and programs, she now serves as the Vice Chair of the Technical Committee, Vice Chair for the 700 Certification Subcommittee, and Task Group Chair for the 700.

Jenkins was motivated to get involved with NFRC when her colleague, Chuck Anderson, recognized her talents and enthusiasm and felt she could serve as his replacement during membership meetings while he pursued other initiatives.

She has been a dedicated member over the years, working tirelessly to expedite revisions and improvements in NFRC's programs. She believes IGU certification is one example where members collaborated especially effectively to get things done quickly.

Jenkins adds that in addition to cooperation and teamwork among the members, contributions from the EPA and the DOE have also helped expedite the refinement of NFRC’s programs. For example, Jenkins points out that following additional input and insight from these organizations, NFRC was able to implement a plan for including the full CPD number on the temporary label.

“We have many talented and knowledgeable members with plenty of expertise to share,” Jenkins concluded. “Bringing them all together to improve understanding, comprehension, and awareness is what these meetings are all about. The more effectively we can accomplish this, the faster we can get things done.”


  1. Congratulations Tina and thank you for your outstanding work!

  2. Tina has been a key player in the development and continued effectiveness of the NFRC 700, PCP document and program. With her knowledgeable input and involvement with the Ratings program, the NFRC Membership has benefited immensely. NFRC is proud to have Tina Jenkins and the support she provides.
